The original version of this document is located at
Here you can find a typical setup of a Manager and Fieldworker as two main actors who interact on QGIS and QField respectively.
actor Manager;
actor Fieldworker;
participant QGIS as QGIS (QFieldSync)
participant QField
participant API as QFieldCloud App
Manager–>API: Project preparation
activate Manager
Manager->>QGIS: Upload new/updated files to a project
QGIS->>API: Upload QGIS project files
note right of API: Add process_projectfile
Job to the queue
API->>QGIS: Return success status
Manager–>API: Fieldwork activities
deactivate Manager
activate Fieldworker
Fieldworker->>QField: Open QFieldCloud project list
QField->>API: Request list of projects
API->>QField: Return list of projects
Fieldworker->>QField: Open a QFieldCloud project from the list
QField->>API: Request packaging a project
note right of API: Create a new package
API->>QField: Return the created package
Job data
QField->>QField: Wait for package
Job to finish
QField->>API: Request project files download
API->>QField: Downloaded files
QField->>QField: QField project opens
Fieldworker->>QField: Modify a feature in non-online layer
QField->>QField: Store feature in the local datasource
and create a Delta
Fieldworker->>QField: Press “Push changes”
QField->>API: Send the Deltas
note right of API: Create a new apply_deltas
API->>QField: Return the created apply_deltas
Job ID
QField->>QField: Empty the local Deltas
and wait for new modifications
Manager–>API: Download collected data
deactivate Fieldworker
activate Manager
note over Manager, API: Wait some time until apply_delta
Job is finished
Manager->>QGIS: Download collected data
QGIS->>API: Get project file list
API->>QGIS: Return project file list
QGIS->>QGIS: Detect modified files
and suggest a synchronization
loop [download modified project files]
QGIS->>API: Request file download
API->>QGIS: Download file
deactivate Manager