The official QFieldCloud SDK and CLI

The official QFieldCloud SDK and CLI

The original version of this document is located at at


pip install qfieldcloud-sdk

Module usage

```python import requests from qfieldcloud_sdk import sdk

client = sdk.Client( url="", username="user1", password="pass1", )

try: projects = client.list_projects() except requests.exceptions.RequestException: print("Oops!") ```

CLI usage

The official QFieldCloud CLI tool.


bash qfieldcloud-cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...



logs in user "user" with password "pass"

qfieldcloud-cli login user pass

gets the projects of user "user" with password "pass" at "https://localhost/api/v1/"

qfieldcloud-cli -u user -p pass -U https://localhost/api/v1/ list-projects

gets the projects of user authenticated with token QFIELDCLOUD_TOKEN at "https://localhost/api/v1/" as JSON

export QFIELDCLOUD_URL=https://localhost/api/v1/ export QFIELDCLOUD_TOKEN=017478ee2464440cb8d3e98080df5e5a qfieldcloud-cli --json list-projects ```


Some commands allow you to define a filter on the results based on the filename with the --filter option (e.g. the download-files command).

The filters support Unix shell-style wildcards. The special characters used in shell-style wildcards are:

| Pattern | Meaning | |---------|----------------------------------| | * | matches everything | | ? | matches any single character | | [seq] | matches any character in seq | | [!seq] | matches any character not in seq |

For a literal match, wrap the meta-characters in brackets. For example, '[?]' matches the character '?'.


  • qfieldcloud-cli --filter 'DCIM/*.jpg'
  • qfieldcloud-cli --filter 'attachments/documentation-??.pdf'

Global options overview

bash -U, --url TEXT URL to the QFieldCloud API endpoint. If not passed, gets the value from QFIELDCLOUD_URL environment variable. Default: -u, --username TEXT Username or email. -p, --password TEXT -t, --token TEXT Session token. --json / --human Output the result as newline formatted json. Default: False --verify-ssl / --no-verify-ssl Verify SSL. Default: True --help Show this message and exit.

Environment variables can be used instead of passing some common global options.

  • QFIELDCLOUD_API - QFieldCloud API endpoint URL
  • QFIELDCLOUD_USERNAME - QFieldCloud username or email. Requires QFIELDCLOUD_PASSWORD to be set.
  • QFIELDCLOUD_TOKEN - Token that can be used instead of passing username and password. It can be obtained by running qfieldcloud-cli login.
  • QFIELDCLOUD_VERIFY_SSL - When set to 0 has the same effect as passing --no-verify-ssl.

Commands overview

bash login Login to QFieldCloud. logout Logout and expire the token. list-projects List QFieldCloud projects. list-files List QFieldCloud project files. create-project Creates a new empty QFieldCloud project. delete-project Deletes a QFieldCloud project. upload-files Upload files to a QFieldCloud project. download-files Download QFieldCloud project files. delete-files Delete QFieldCloud project files. list-jobs List project jobs. job-trigger Triggers a new job. job-status Get job status. package-latest Check project packaging status. package-download Download packaged QFieldCloud project files.


Login to QFieldCloud.

bash qfieldcloud-cli login [OPTIONS] USERNAME PASSWORD


Logout from QFieldCloud.

bash qfieldcloud-cli logout


List QFieldCloud projects.

```bash qfieldcloud-cli list-projects [OPTIONS]

Options: --include-public / --no-public Includes the public project in the list. Default: False ```


List QFieldCloud project files.

bash qfieldcloud-cli list-files [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID


Creates a new empty QFieldCloud project.

```bash qfieldcloud-cli create-project [OPTIONS] NAME

Options: --owner TEXT Owner of the project. If omitted, the current user is the owner. --description TEXT Description of the project. --is-public / --is-private Mark the project as public. ```


Deletes a QFieldCloud project.

bash qfieldcloud-cli delete-project [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID


Upload files to a QFieldCloud project.

```bash qfieldcloud-cli upload-files [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID PROJECT_PATH

Options: --filter TEXT Do not upload the whole project, but only the files which match the glob. --throw-on-error / --no-throw-on-error If any project file upload fails stop uploading the rest. Default: False ```


Download QFieldCloud project files.

```bash qfieldcloud-cli download-files [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID LOCAL_DIR

Options: --filter TEXT Do not download the whole project, but only the files which match the glob. --throw-on-error / --no-throw-on-error If any project file downloads fails stop downloading the rest. Default: False --force-download/--no-force-download  Download file even if it already exists locally. Default: False ```


Delete QFieldCloud project files.

```bash qfieldcloud-cli delete-files [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID PATHS...

Options: --throw-on-error / --no-throw-on-error If any project file delete operations fails stop, stop deleting the rest. Default: False ```


List project jobs.

```bash qfieldcloud-cli list-jobs [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID

Options: --type JOBTYPES Job type. One of package, delta_apply or process_projectfile. ```


Triggers a new job.

```bash qfieldcloud-cli job-trigger [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID JOB_TYPE

Options: --force / --no-force Should force creating a new job. Default: False ```


Get job status.

bash qfieldcloud-cli job-status [OPTIONS] JOB_ID


Check project packaging status.

bash qfieldcloud-cli package-latest [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID


Download packaged QFieldCloud project files.

```bash qfieldcloud-cli package-download [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID LOCAL_DIR

Options: --filter TEXT Do not download the whole packaged project, but only the files which match the glob. --throw-on-error / --no-throw-on-error If any packaged file downloads fails stop downloading the rest. Default: False --force-download/--no-force-download  Download file even if it already exists locally. Default: False ```

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