Standalone datasets

Standalone datasets

The original version of this document is located at at

Standalone datasets

QField is able to directly open vector data and raster datasets without the need for a QGIS project.

Supported standalone dataset formats

The supported vector formats are:

  • Geopackage datasets (.gpkg);
  • GeoJSON (.geojson, .json);
  • KML (.kml, .kmz);
  • Shapefile (.shp);
  • GPS Exchange (.gpx);
  • Geography Markup Language (.gml);
  • MapInfo (.mif);
  • Spatialite (.db, .sqlite); and
  • FlatGeoBuf (.fgb)

The supported raster formats are:

  • GeoTIFF (.tif, .tiff);
  • Georeferenced PDF / GeoPDF (.pdf);
  • JPEG2000 (.jp2);
  • JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg);
  • PNG (.png); and
  • WebP (.webp)

!!! note QField can handle several standalone datasets compressed into one ZIP archive; in this scenario, each dataset will be added as individual layers in QField.

Opening an vector or raster dataset

:material-tablet: Fieldwork

Please read the storage access documentation to learn more on how standalone datasets are opened on your specific device.

Using a project as "base map" for standalone datasets

:material-tablet: Fieldwork

By default, the datasets will be overlaying an OpenStreetMap XYZ layer. It is however possible to customize that by selecting a project stored onto the device QField is running that will act as a base map.

To use an existing project as base map, do a long press on a project in the recent projects list and check Base Map Project.

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