Shared local datasets

Shared local datasets

The original version of this document is located at at

Shared local datasets

It is possible to use a layer which is stored outside the project folder.

This is useful if a basemap is used in more than one project, for example a large orthophoto. In this case, you can share this dataset among different projects.

Add a layer outside of exported project folder

:material-monitor: Desktop preparation

In QGIS, open Options > Data Sources > Localized Data Paths. In there, add the path to the external data.

!Data Sources

To use layers from localized data paths on your device, add the datasets to the folder <drive>:/Android/data/ch.opengis.qfield/files/QField/basemaps.

!!! note Since QField 2 the basemaps files needs to be stored in the app directory <drive>:/Android/data/ch.opengis.qfield/files/QField/basemaps instead of the devices main directory <drive>:/QField/basemaps.

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