

The original version of this document is located at at


QField supports connecting to OAuth2 protected web services. By using OAuth2, it is possible to protect layers and services with a wide variety of authentiaction schemes like for example two factor authentication.

To successfully load OAuth2-protected layer(s) in QField, the QGIS project must be setup to use OAuth2.

Prepare the authentication in QGIS

:material-monitor: Desktop preparation

To setup a WFS with OAuth2 in QGIS follow these steps in the QGIS project configuration.

In the WFS layer configuration:


Add a new authentication configuration. Parameters need to be adjusted to the OAuth2 server setup:


Export the authentication from QGIS

:material-monitor: Desktop preparation

!!! note Exporting an auth configuration requires at least QGIS 3.20. It is possible to only use QGIS 3.20 to prepare the auth config and configure the QGIS project itself with an earlier version of QGIS.

!!! note It is important that the Configuration ID of the exported configuration and the configuration stored in the QGIS project match.

At this point, verify that you are able to properly connect to the service from QGIS. This authentication configuration must first be exported from QGIS itself.

To do so, open the QGIS options dialog and focus on the authentication panel. There, you can select the OAuth2 configuration used by the project layer(s) by clicking on the appropriate row in the configurations table widget. Then, use the lower-right utilities button to select the export selected authentication configurations to file action.


When prompted for a password, leave it blank. You will be warned that she might be leaking sensitive information. In the case of OAuth2 configurations, it is safe to do so.

Once you have exported the authentication configuration to an XML file, she copies that file onto the device(s) running QField. The file has to be copied to the devices <drive>:/Android/data/ch.opengis.qfield/files/QField/auth/ QField directory. The /QField/auth/ path is created when first launching QField.

!!! note Since QField 2 the auth files needs to be stored in the app directory <drive>:/Android/data/ch.opengis.qfield/files/QField/auth instead of the devices main directory <drive>:/QField/auth.

Once the authentication configuration XML file is copied, you can copy the project file containing OAuth2-protected layer(s) onto the device(s) and open the project in QField. You will be prompted for the user, password, and 2-step-verification authentication code within a browser panel that will pop up in QField itself.

Once authenticated, content will be rendered without the need to re-enter user information for the duration of the session.